​​Vivid Skin Tattoo Studio           

"YORK PA'S PREMIER TATTOO STUDIO" tattoos tattoo parlor

Tattoo Artist in York


Contact- ryan@vividskintattoo.com

​Instagram: @ryanerrickson


*Note 12/7/24: My schedule is currently about 3 months out. I'd really like to be able to create everyone's tattoos for them, though I've found that I have to be selective on which projects I take on in order to keep my schedule from going out any further. Please scan through my summary below of the projects that I'm interested in taking on.

I have tattoos on myself from all of the other phenomenal Professional Tattoo Artists that I work with. Please check out their work and feel free to use their preferred contact found on their page to see how they like to proceed in getting you set up. Thanks, Ryan

Hours: Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.,and Fri.- 10AM-5PM

"I realize everyone out there in search to have a tattoo project done has many options of which Artist to choose to work with. It has always been a great compliment, and one that never gets old, to have someone reach out to me to have their tattoo done by my hand and imagination.

My schedule is typically filled solid 6-8 months out. Unfortunately, I've found that I can't get everyone in without my schedule doubling in distance. As my schedule started to get closer to being booked for a year/plus, I found that I needed to make a change... for myself and for clients. This is why I've decided to concentrate my time and energy on projects that really spark my interest and passion for tattooing/art.

I do my best to be fair, honest, and treat others the way that I'd like to be treated. I've wrestled with the best way to put this information out there without sounding pretentious and without sounding like a complete a--. With that being said, below is a summary of my current goals for my future tattooing.

My favorite type of tattoo projects are large epic projects. Over the past 15yrs I've found that I like doing large tattoo projects in many different styles and subject matter. I take a lot of pride in streamlining the process of a large project from start to finish... full arm sleeves, half arm sleeves, back pieces, thigh pieces, calf sleeves, and full leg sleeves. (I highly enjoy doing both color and black and gray work)

(*Over the past few years I've noticed that I'm not as passionate about doing smaller tattoos.)

Besides large projects, I do enjoy a variety of mid-sized tattoo projects. Some mid-sized tattoos that I really enjoy doing for folks include portraits of people and animal tattoos... (all types of portraits... family members, iconic portraits, celebrity portraits, fantasy characters... you name it) (And for me, animals of all sorts are very interesting to tattoo.)

Thank you to all of my phenomenal friends and clients over the years that have helped in allowing me to formulate a very straight-forward/streamline method towards approaching and executing large/epic tattoos."

-Truly, Ryan

Hours to complete (varying on detail, color tattoos typically require more time to execute then black and gray tattoos):

-Full arm sleeve: 30-40hrs
-Half arm sleeve: 15-20hrs
-Full outer upper arm: 8-12hrs
-Calf sleeve: 20-30hrs
-Full outer thigh: 10-15hrs
-Full leg sleeve: 40-60hrs
-Back piece: 30-40hrs

-Portraits and other Mid-sized tattoos: 4-8hrs

*If you're interested in getting the process started towards a large or mid-sized tattoo, please email me to coordinate a time to do a 20-30min consultation in the shop. In your email, please include a description of your project (feel free to include a few reference images). Thanks for reading over my notes and I look forward to the possibility of working with you on your tattoo project. Our 'Appointments' page of the website has a thorough description of how we like to set things up.

Bio: Ryan is a lifelong artist. During high school he was a member of the National Art Honor Society, while taking weekend art classes at the local art college, and was invited to study at The Governor's School for the Arts during the summer of his Junior year. He received a Bachelor's Degree in The Fine Arts from The Pennsylvania College of Art and Design where he graduated at the top of his class majoring in Illustration.

For the next 2 years Ryan worked in Pennsylvania and Florida as a freelance artist creating murals, privately commissioned paintings, t-shirt and logo designs, package design, cd covers and a number of other various projects. He then took an in-house job heading up the Art Department of an import company out of Baltimore where he designed products and packaging artwork.

It was at this point that he decided to pursue his dream of becoming a Tattoo Artist. In 2006 Ryan started tattooing in a local York shop. Shortly thereafter he opened his own tattoo parlor, Vivid Skin Tattoo Studio. He ran VST by himself for the first year and has steadily brought in local talent in order to make Vivid Skin Tattoo "York PA's Premier Tattoo Studio".

Ryan is a diverse tattoo artist working with many styles of the art. Portrait, black and gray, American traditional, Asian traditional, neo traditional, pinup, biomechanical, and stylized realism to name a few. He enjoys creating custom tattoo designs.  His favorite free time activities are writing and recording music and creating abstract paintings.

"Our goal at Vivid Skin Tattoo Studio is to create mind blowing tattoos while providing a professional and clean environment. Thank you to all of our clients for your years of patronage and support. Our number one priority is your satisfaction in your tattoo experience." -Ryan VST